Let’s continue with the review of some of the traditions behind the wedding organization and celebration. In this article we will focus on those traditions that have to do with the day of the celebration itself and the wedding banquet.
The nuptial march
It’s one of the most popular melodies worldwide. Normally, it’s the music that opens and closes the religious ceremony. The historical origin dates back to the Princess Victoria of England and Prince Frederick William of Prussia’s wedding. In this case, the princess chose the two marches: Mendelssohn’s bridal march for her entry into the church and Wagner’s opera for the exit of the church by her husband’s hand.

Throwing rice at the bride and groom
This is one of the most characteristic wedding traditions. There is evidences that it began to be done in Europe during the Middle Ages. It symbolizes the guests wishes that the bride and groom have many children. A tradition that has evolved in recent years and many couples already choose to throw flower petals instead, a more colorful and less annoying alternative after cleaning.
Throwing rice after the ceremony it symbolizes that the guests wishes the bride and groom have many children.
The wedding cake
This is a very old tradition with several variations over the years. Originally born in ancient Rome, at that time the Romans used to broke a bread above the bride’s head as a symbol of fertility. Afterwards, the guests used to pick up the crumbs and eat them. This custom remained until the early seventeenth century when, in England, began to make small cakes that were stacked and that the bride and groom had to step on. A few years later, the idea evolved and it was decided to make a giant cake. It is precisely this variant that has reached to this day, in which the cakes have several floors.

The wedding cake tradition is a very old one, originally born in the ancient Rome.