You don’t need to go very far to realize that the marriage traditions can be very different from one place to another. Among our closest neighbors there are also curiosities while celebrating a wedding.
At Swedish weddings, the bride carries a coin inside each shoe. On the right foot one of gold delivered by her mother and on the left one of silver delivered by her father. This means luck and prosperity attracted to the new couple. In addition, at the time of saying “yes, I do”, it’s considered that the one of the two who says it louder will be the one who will bear the weight of the relationship.
At Swedish weddings, there are a few traditions that its believed that bring good luck and prosperity to the new couple.
In Denmark, both the bride and the groom dress in traditional clothing and exchange it during the ceremony with the intention of confusing evil spirits. Tradition says that they will be able to mislead them and not disturb their new life as a marriage.
Traditionally, in Norway, the bride and groom make a procession just before getting married that is accompanied by violinists. In addition, during the banquet, the speeches of the guests are especially important and can be extended even for hours. As a peculiarity, the end of the party is traditionally important because the bride walks among the guests and gives them a piece of cheese with honey and nuts. When the tray is empty, guests know it’s time to say goodbye.
In Norway, the speeches of the guests can be extended for hours.
Russian’s weddings are synonymous of a great celebration. To the point that tradition says that if it doesn’t end with a fight, then the wedding has been a failure. But before starting the party, the couple have to eat a piece of bread called Karavay with a little salt. Bread and salt are symbols of wealth and prosperity. In addition, before starting the banquet the couple has to step on a decorated blanket.
The British have a superstition. They avoid getting married on Saturdays because for them this day is very unfortunate for a wedding. Instead, the most suitable day to get married is Wednesday.
The British have a superstition, they avoid getting married on Saturdays.
At last, at German weddings the bride carries a little salt and a piece of bread in her pocket to have plenty, while the groom carries cereals because luck and health accompany them.