It’s spring already in Mas Terrats. As every March 21st, astronomical spring has arrived on time and this has completely transformed the landscape. The fields and the forests leave the brown and the colors turned off of winter, to give way to the alive colors that explode with the arrival of the good weather.
The gardens of Mas Terrats have a wide variety of flowers and plants

The gardens of Mas Terrats have a wide variety of flowers and plants that these days look proud. Among the most showy, there are daisies or bougainvillea. The first are very common in the Mediterranean climate and are easily recognized to have the yellow center and the petals of various colors. As regards bougainvillea, these flowers are native to the tropical and subtropical regions of South America.
Apart from the color, the smell is also important. And, spring is also the time when plants exhibit their aromatic potential.

But there is also space for various types of roses, strawberries, lilacs or gaura, originated in India. But the list of flowers and colors that are in Mas Terrats during the spring is extensive. There are also spanish broom, sage, jasmine, wisteria or asteraceae, popularly known as “cat tongue”. Or, more ornamental plants such as cortaderia selloana, also known as pampas grass, or, the barbary fig.

Apart from the color, the smell is also important. And, spring is also the time when plants exhibit their aromatic potential. In this sense, aromatic plants have a special role during these dates. We can see, and smell, thyme, lavender, rosemary or orange blossom, a plant similar to mint but with a characteristic smell of citrus.
Since March 21, spring explodes in Mas Terrats.